> What We Do

Our Impact

We're proud to have supported partners across the country as they work towards their visions of becoming a human-centered organization.







We Connect The Dots

We are creatures of habits—regardless if they are good or bad. As a result, we embrace systems that create a sense of normalcy. However, those systems create inequities. We brighten the lines between the people, systems, and the community you serve to identify opportunities for change.

Organization Analysis Reviews (Equity Audits)

⚙ Executive and Leadership Coaching

We Conspire

by making the hard decisions intuitively actionable. We believe by taking the “guess” out of guesswork, we can help you focus on taking ideas and strategies to actions that become second nature within your organization.

⚙ Ecosystem Blueprints for Equity

⚙ Community Convenings

⚙ Strategic Planning

We Champion

by taking the loneliness out of leadership by creating community. Leaders need peers on their equity journey more than ever. We intentionally create spaces for leaders to engage with other leaders from different industries to promote the creation of equity-driven solutions in safe spaces high on innovation low on judgment.

⚙ Organizational Transformation

⚙ Professional Development

⚙ Responsive Planning

Who We Serve

Equity Driven Communities

We want to work with communities that are looking for better ways to serve their communities. Typically we find well-intended people without the support or guidance to develop strategic plans that solve their largest problems. We want to work with those communities to help them live their vision for equitable outcomes. This could include city task forces, community-based organizations, and collaborations of multiple organizations looking to facilitate their strategic planning process.

Philanthropic Communities

It is exciting to see more people looking to help people. However, the ability to allocate philanthropic dollars and yield positive outcomes for their efforts is becoming harder to do. We work with foundations and independent funders who want to ensure that their support is well allocated and intentionally render the desired results.

Cross-Industry Collaborations

We see the path forward is through more collaboration, not less. We seek partnerships with industries that are working with other industries to solve problems. We get excited to work with leaders. We see the importance of working with organizations that share the same mission and want the same things. The idea of working with law enforcement, partnering with school districts, healthcare, or working with housing agencies are examples of collaboration we like to support in their efforts to make change.

Education-led Initiatives

As former educators, our work assisting the development of more equitable school systems will always be a part of what we do.

“Made By Change is an organization that supports teams, in the weeds and on the mountain, with the tiny details that stress us out but shouldn’t, through to the monumental challenges that pervade education and perplex us all. Grounded in their own conviction about the realities and possibilities in our sector, they are someone who will push us forward in the pursuit of equity and quality for all children, especially those who have been overlooked and marginalized.”


Anna W.
Community Leader

Work We’ve Done

  • Beginning in May 2021, we supported GIA and their Equity Action Network Team (ANT) to develop an Equity Continuum. Through a three-month-long process, we met regularly with the members of the Equity ANT to first deeply understand their context and community. We wanted to understand the organizations that would be using the tool so we could support them in designing a tool that would be useful. We then engaged the ANT through a series of workshops to help them explore aspects of the tool’s design and contents so that we could be sure to understand what was needed from the community. We shared the tool with key stakeholders along the way to ensure that it would be useful. We have supported six pilot organizations in implementing the tool from late 2021 through the present with the hopes of supporting GIA to revise this tool to best meet the needs of its users.

  • In September of 2022, we partnered with Kickboard for Schools to conduct our Opportunity Analysis Review. We began with leadership interviews to develop a set of research questions to identify opportunities to address potential inequities that existed. Kickboard also wanted to examine if the increased number of diverse hires impacted the company’s profits. We lead focus groups with staff to better understand their experiences. We supported leaders and the team through a retreat to unpack the results of the opportunity analysis review.

  • Kicking off in June 2021, we began our partnership with Woodbury City Public Schools by first examining the current instructional practice throughout the district. We identified a few key areas to further explore with the community using the data collected. We lead eight focus groups for over one hundred community members over two weeks culminating in a planning workshop. We then lead the strategic planning steering committee through an eight-week planning process to develop the district’s new five-year plan. Woodbury City Public Schools strategic plan will lead their work for the next five years.

Work With Us

The way we work, who we work with, and how we find our purpose is changing. Companies across the globe are seeing the demographics of their employees and their interests shift, while the mobility of people continues to move from workplaces to digital spaces. However, to retain your people and help them thrive, we believe people need to find a way to find still belonging with those that they interface with on a daily basis. We can help you...